My poems have appeared in Poetry, Partisan Review, PN Review, Raritan, Parnassus, The New Criterion and other journals, as well as in a number of anthologies including Poetry 180 (ed. Billy Collins) and The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets (ed. David Yezzi).
My work has been awarded a Pushcart prize, and my collection Taking the Occasion (Ivan R. Dee, 2008) won the New Criterion Poetry Prize. My latest collection is What More? (Orchises Press, 2015).
My criticism of poets and poetry has appeared in The Harvard Book Review, The New Criterion, PN Review, The Hopkins Review and other journals, and the LSU Press has published a critical book of mine, Subjects in Poetry.
My Why Bach? and Bach, Beethoven, Bartok are audio-visual ebooks available at Amazon.com.
I was born and raised in New York City, studied musical composition and musicology at Cornell University, hold a Masters in Musicology from Cornell, and taught music history and theory at Cornell and Dartmouth College.
An interest in computers led me to the IT field, where I’ve worked at IBM and other companies in a variety of technical, marketing, and management positions.